Medical Online Technology – MEDLINETEC has attended the World Medical Forum in Dusseldorf, Germany. The forum is a world-leading event in healthcare technology, and consists of a large group of companies showcasing their latest developments in medicine.
The main motivation for this participation has been the search for the latest technological advances in electromedicine and medical technology and their integration into our system. MEDLINETEC invests a large part of its resources in R&D&I and collaborates internationally with various technology companies to provide solutions to the medical healthcare sector and remain at the forefront of technology. This objective has been satisfactorily met, with cooperation agreements being established with various leading companies in the sector.
A walk through the stands of telemedicine companies confirmed that the MEDLINETEC system remains a world leader in its technical capabilities.

At this International Fair, the presence of numerous companies, especially Asian ones, with new low-price electromedical products was striking. This lower price will favour the development of new solutions for the sector, and the integration of new devices in Medical Online Technology's technological solution..
MEDLINETEC is developing new applications for the medical-health sector that will allow current costs to be reduced and their use extended to a greater number of patients. These latest technological developments will be presented at upcoming international events and fairs.